I've been looking into computer parts so that I could build, well, a computer. I don't intend to play that many graphics intensive games, but I do intend to video edit and play a few games like Rivals and DvZ. I've been writing for 28 days now, and I'm running out of stuff to write. So, I thought to myself, why not write about computers? Here's a breakdown of all the components of a computer.
The CPU (The processor) I'm using AMD X4 860k
This is the powerhouse of the computer. It gives the processing power to actually get stuff done. It is important to have a good processor for anything that needs a lot of processing power to perform, such as video and audio editing. For any gamers though, the CPU won't matter all the much. What will matter for gamers is...
The GPU (Graphics card) I'm using ZoTac GeForce GTX 750TI
This is what creates the images you see on your screen. It translates the code into images. It is important to have a really good GPU if you intend to play games, and even if you're not going to play games the GPU will likely be the 2nd most if not THE most expensive component of the computer.
The Motherboard (MoBo) Undecided
The MoBo holds everything together. It is where the CPU is located, and almost all code and information goes through here at some point. This will also limit the OS as well, and it's important to chose one that will get the version of the OS you want.
RAM (Memory) I'm using 8GB Crucial Balistic Sport
This is what allows you computer to handle multiple tasks at once. You probably know that even when a computer is idle, it is still doing things internally. RAM lets it do multiple tasks as well, along with doing some things that require lots of space (EX. Video editing). More ram means smoother multitasking.
Power supply I'm using 430 Watt supply
The GPU and CPU both require power to operate. While desktops are always plugged in, a power supply is still necessary. And if you have spec'd out CPU and GPU's, they will actually need their own power supply.
Storage(HDD and SSD) I'm using a 500GB HDD with a 160GB SSD
This is just your mode of storage. HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive. It is your conventional form of storage, being a spinning disk writing form of storage. SSD stands for Solid State Drive, and almost anyway you slice it, they're better than HDD's. SSD's are chips that store information instead of spinning disks. SSD's are faster at loading content saved on them, and they allow your computer to boot faster and open programs faster. They're also safer, as if you shake an HDD, you can risk losing documents and files. The only downside to this is price. 1TB HDD- 60$. 1TB SSD? Upwards of 300$.
The Case(The thing you'll actually see) I'm using the Stantey GS-6008 V2
The case holds the computer in one piece. It's what you see when you look at the tower. It doesn't matter what case you get as long as your case supports the MoBo you're using.
Aside from the wires that connect everything, that's actually it for the tower. After that, there's the display, mouse keyboard, and speakers, but I won't be covering that, mostly because I have no idea what I'm going to use.
MmmmmmmMmm That's some goooood juice.
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