Well, I went to get a Villager amiibo only to discover it comes out tomorrow. I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Also, this post is being done on mobile, as my computer is being ridiculous. These weekend posts are going to be much shorter, and will basically be me talking about life, so sorry if that's disappointing. But hey, life interesting. Mostly because we know nothing of it.
Note: The following is my opinion and outlook on life. If you disagree, that's good. That's what life's about. Just saying, if I sound crazy don't judge. Because I am crazy.
Life is arbitary. What parts you ask? All of it, I say. We all look at the world and see it in our own way that will always be different from each others. There isn't a right or wrong way. There is only the way you see it, and the way others see it. You have to believe what you say, otherwise its pointless. Believing in you're way is good. It's what makes you, you. But no matter how much you believe in your way, there will always be someone who disagrees. So until we can find a way to explain life and how you should live it that everyone is happy with and agrees on, then in my opinion, there is no right way for anything.
All of this is worded terribly, but I'm bad at explain things. Sorry about that. And I know this isn't the kind of posts I said I would do, but its all good, right? We're still in friendship land.
Friendship land? Hah! Try getting Etho to sing.