I hate everything.
For the uninitiated, the reason I'm writing to this blog in the first place is because I have to create a small writing sample everyday for the month of November. All has been fine, and I enjoy writing to this blog. But today is Thanksgiving (Happy Thanksgiving, by the way.) And on Thanksgiving, I want to sleep in and enjoy time with my family and friends. But I've been forced to write this paper. This paper doesn't take much time to write, but this is a national holiday for giving thanks. The logical thing to do would be to write a paper about what I'm thankful for, turning this blogpost into an exemplification of this holiday. But I'm going to do the thing any logical American would do. Complain. And then I'm going to do the thing I've done in the past. Explain why this is pointless.
Yes, as I said, I could use this blogpost to exemplify the holiday. But what would that matter? It would have no meaning. I suppose this is my fault, because I wouldn't be willing to write about what I'm truly thankful for to the internet. But if I want to actually talk about what I'm thankful for and have it have meaning, I'm going to talk about it with the people I know and love, not with the internet. And writing this is only taking away time from me in which I could be doing this therefore VIOLATING THE PURPOSE OF THIS HOLIDAY! But with this it could be argued that on Thanksgiving many people do what they enjoy. And as I stated earlier, I do enjoy writing to this blog but, not today. Today I wish to relax and enjoy time with my family as previously stated.
This assignment was created to get me in the habit of writing. It's done a good job, and I hope to continuing this after the month of November. But, I doubt I'll be able to keep this up daily. I simply won't be motivated. In that sense, it's failed. But along with this, it is proven that if you do something consistently for as little as 5 days, you can get into the habit of doing it, making it something you do everyday. And sure, while stopping in the middle isn't a good thing, the amount of days I've spent making this habit should override the one day I don't write. As stated, I likely won't continue this daily after the month of November, meaning that this assignment has already failed, making it pointless to care whether I miss a day. I could easily just say "To heck with it, I'm just gonna not." and then go back to my life. But if I were to do that my grade will drop. Now, if my grade meant that much to me you'd think I wouldn't be complaining. But that's not what I'm upset about. What I'm upset about is the injustice being served here. I'M BEING PUNISHED IF I DON'T WORK ON A NATIONAL HOLIDAY! This is beyond ridiculous!
I'm to lazy to write a proper conclusion. I've made my point. And no, I can't think of any more DvZ quotes for the day.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jimmies!