I don't know much about Discworld. I've only read one of the books, and I had trouble understanding it initially. But after finishing that beautiful first book I realized how amazing it was. Now I can't wait to get my hands on some more of these brilliant novels, and hopefully I won't have to wait long.
Discworld is a book series consisting of 41 books which were written by Sir Terry Pratchett. Why SIR Terry Pratchett? Because he was knighted for his services in literature. Yes, that's right. He was knighted for how amazing he was at writing. Needless to say, he was REALLY good at writing. The Discworld series is about Discworld. That seems simple, but that's the truth. All 41 books are about certain characters and events, but it all correlates to tell the story of Discworld itself. If you were to "study" all 41 novels you could create one singular book that treats the entire series as history and write a legitimate history of Discworld that could be modeled on real world history text books. (Someone should do that...) That being said, there are many recurring characters in the books, such as Death, the Librarian, Captain Sam Vimes, and more. There are also many subplots in the books, but in order to fully understand the subplots you must read all of the books Unlike other series, Discworld novels aren't released in any particular order. The only way to tell what book comes when is to read the book and try to use whatever context you can find to place it into a timeline. THat being said, many people have done this, and you can find timelines online. Like the one above, which also details some of the subplots in the novels. It is important to note that I haven't actually read all the books and I haven't looked through the timeline above to avoid spoiling things for myself. Try not to spoil things for me in the comments (If anyone actually reads this, but hey. Precautions.)
With 41 different books written, some may be wondering if Sir Terry Pratchett intends to write more. Sadley, he will not. For on March 12th of this year, Sir Terry Pratchett passed away. It is most certainly sad. But his works and influence will never be forgotten by his readers, and I am happy to say that I am one of them.
For those wondering why it says part 1 in the title, that is because I've only read one of the books, and I want to re-visit this multiple times in the future as I read more. So I'll come back to this. Soon.
Discworld Book count: 1
Ah, I remember old Yavender. That's why we dye everything blue after all!