Friday, November 27, 2015

This is even more beyond ridicoulus

As you know, I've been in the mountains for a while. I just got back now, this writing is the first thing I'm doing. And I want to sleep. But I need to write this. I don't want anyone else to have to do this, so here are some ways to avoid actually writing.
First, you could just not write. If you're in my situation, lets evaluate our options. 1: You could just write, or 2: You could just not. Think about this. You have 30 writing samples. As long as you miss less than 2, you'll still get an A. Along with that, it's one assignment. It can't be worth that much.
Next, you could just write a lot of garbage to make it look like you wrote a lot. Think about this, there are probably around 30 people in you're class each with 30 pieces of writing. Do you really think he's going to read all of them? Heck, odds are he won't even see this. Come to think of it, I don't think anyones going to see this. SO....
Or you could just make a list of all the ways you could avoid doing what you're doing and use it as proof that you did what needed to happen.

Wait a minute...

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