Saturday, November 21, 2015

CalTech Fall 2015

I'm at  the CalTech Fall open Cubing competition today, so the post is going to be short. But im gonna briefly talk about the comp, because why not?
I've been a judge for most of the day, but I did get around to buying a new squan. I got the QiYi squan and I must say, its the most beautiful cube there ever did was. There's no competition. If you want a squan, get the QiYi. So far I haven't  competed, but I hope to get a sub-20 average in 3x3 and a sub-6 average in 2x2. Hopefully that will happen, but only time will tell.
We're in the middle of OH round 2, and after this there'll be a lunch break and then 3x3 round one. I hope to make it to round two, but that's unlikely. But hey, its happens before. Let's just hope my squan practice hasn't screwed up my 3x3 times.

Where'd all my juice go?