Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The GuHong (V1)

I've referenced the GuHong numerous times already, so today I'll be covering it more. The GuHong is the Dayan 2, being the successor to the Dayan Taiyan. The GuHong was the cube that made Dayan's name and set it apart from other cubes, such as the popular Alpha series. The GuHong was the first, and in my opinion only, major performance spike. The GuHong was the first cube to have 45 degree corner cutting and turning at its quality. The GuHong is the divider between older and modern 3x3 design.
The GuHong was released when the only really viable speed cubes out there were Rubik's brands and Alpha cubes. All these cubes were great, but when the GuHong dropped, EVERYTHING THAT WASN'T A GUHONG BECAME OBSOLETE. The GuHong simply out-performed all the competition. Nothing could contest with it. The only cubes that would compete with the GuHong would be other Dayan cubes for quite some time. Even though the GuHong had a popping problem, its benefits far outweigh that one con for the time. Nowadays, the GuHong is still considered a viable option, and I personally used one as my main only 6 months ago. Not to mention the GuHong got a re-release called the GuHong V2 which had torpedoes to prevent pops.
However, as all incredibly good things are (Or at least very often), it was met with controversy. VCubes stated that the GuHong violated their 3x3 design patent. In reality, the GuHong looked nothing like their 3x3 patent, and the lawsuit was resolved (However, we don't know who won, nor how it was settled). Despite this, many people have noticed and announced that the VCube 6 and VCube 5 resemble the GuHong when certain pieces are glued together. I would dive deeper into this, but doing so would involve me in the ever growing (And in my opinion unnecessary) VCube controversy, which I don't want. It's ridiculous enough as it is.
The GuHong created a huge performance increase in 3x3 performance. And while today 3x3 design has improved, the improvements to performance has been incredibly small in comparison to the performance increase seen in the release of the GuHong. Not only that, it also solidified the Dayan name which would continue to dominate the 3x3 market for quite some time. Without this cube, 3x3 performance would be very different than it is today. This was definitely a very important 3x3, and it will never be forgotten.
Something else that will never be forgotten is today, Armistice day. Today, at 11:00 AM, the fighting in the Great War stopped. I dedicate this post to Armistice day. That sounds stupid, but hey. That's life. It means something.

What's in the juice? All my wealth and power! Infused with pink lemonade.